Monday, February 13, 2012

Winds of Change

Sometimes it feels like change is upon me. In fact I always feel like things are in a constant flux and I quite welcome change. But sometimes I feel like I've worked hard for some change and worked long and that yet it is not enough. I feel like I'm on the edge of a precipice of change and yet I'm about to miss it's happening and will get sucked into something else.
This is a poem about change, about going from death to rebirth  and about longing for a much deeper change within; from slumber to wakefulness.

Winds of Change

Winds of change blow down the streets tonight,
And although the night is warm and the skies are clear,
The rain that is to come will wash me down with it
Soon I lay my body down and watch the final procession
The pyre, I watch as paper turns to ash and I disappear
Into the trees, the grass, the stone and dirt
And soon enough I will rock myself awake
And cry innocent tears
Dance and sway and perhaps look like a madman.

How many lives I wonder
How many times have I done this!
Foolishly, How long have I been lost
And how long before I'm found again?
I've longed for lightening, the thunderous strike
Oh! How much longer before it rains
So this slumbering seed inside me begins to stir
Pulling life from the I in me until
I am not and never again will be

---Megha (13th Feb 2012)