Monday, January 30, 2012


As summer has left us here in Seattle and we're enjoying the wonderful winter weather! :D  I thought posting a poem about spring might be nice.
This poem about spring that talks about more than spring. It's not about hope but about knowing what is surely going to happen someday.
It's also about love. I imagined a love between the Sun and the Clouds and of how even though we might think of them as opposites (metaphorically) but in another world perhaps they could be lovers. Written by the Cloud


Soon it will be spring…
The trees will blush in the arms of the sun;
Just as I would in yours.
Leaves will curl out of their cold bosom
And bathe in the warmth….until they turn gold
Soon the sweet nectar of life will flow forth
As the sun and rain spin magic.
One eclipsing the other-back and forth
Jesting and mocking
Then embracing.
Like lovers, spent
Watch, as across the still sky
Sprouts forth a smile in seven colours, content
The trees will blush…Soon
It will be spring.